I'm not sure if a lot of people who dabble on their keyboard almost 8 hours everyday know this but if they don't watch out they may eventually experience carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS). This is a condition where a nerve is compressed around the wrist usually the part where its almost always pressed like the underneath of the hand holding the mouse.
I'm usually in front of the computer almost 12 hours everyday, except on weekends (I do have a life you know). In order to combat Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, I use an ergonomic keyboard and mouse. You can find some good stuff about office ergonomics at ergoware.com. To combat CTS, I use my left hand to operate the mouse even though I'm right handed. I only use my right hand when I play games (he he he).
The best thing to do though to prevent CTS is to always take a break in between work specially if you just sit in front of the computer the whole day. Remember, all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
Great article! Check out some of the tips in relieving carpal tunnel http://www.eliminatecarpaltunnelpain.com/