
Dragonball Evolution Movie
I am really disappointed with this movie. Although the characters are great, the effects are good actions are excellent but the story sucks bigtime. Its like watching 2 TV episodes back to back but with pay. I like the way Bulma is presented but Master Roshi and Gokou? come on you guys can do better than that. Use of Kamehameha is way disturbing, i did not know it could heal.

Life the Universe and Everything
i dont know what is happening... i am reading the book straight in past three days...

The Restaurant at the End of the Universe
I need the recipe for the Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster. I need to try this.

I have decided to continue reading the other 4 volumes of the hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy. The movie is not so good as compared to the book.

Angels And Demons
Bought this book 2 years ago and never bothered to read it until the movie is about to be released. Now, at the last 4 chapters of the novel. I hope the movie will be as exciting the book.

StarCraft: Brood War
The 1.15.2 patch removes the CD check and you can play StarCraft without inserting the CD.

Linksys Compact Wireless G USB
I was buying the Buffalo Wireless N but it doesn't look durable as compared to this one.

We Sing, We Dance, We Steal Things
I still liked the previous album more than this, but I'm Yours and Lucky are my favorites here.
About Me

Alfredo Sanchez is an internet professional focusing on the study search engines behavior in particular. Supports Free Open Source Software and currently develops applications with it using XAMPP.
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