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Tildemark Blogs
A technology blog for technology enthusiasts. -
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This is supposed to be a blog for my son, unfortunately his not a baby anymore. -
Softdev Journal
Jojo's blog about geek programming stuff, mostly things i dont understand but worthy to read.
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- Old School Favorite: Pacman
- Earning from your blog with Amazon Associates
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- My best Windows XP User Experience
- Optimizing your Movable Type 4 blog ready for SEO
- The Land Down Under Shoot at Impasug-ong with Angel Locsin
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Recent Activity
- tildemark , " if you'll do an image search for "taste the rainbow", is a good reason to hate skittles" tildemark tweeted, " if you'll do an image search for "taste the rainbow", is a good reason to hate skittles" tildemark , " if you'll do an image search for "taste the rainbow", is a good reason to hate skittles" 2009-03-02T07:40:48Z 2009-03-02T07:40:48Z
- tildemark , " skittles social marketing plan backfired." tildemark tweeted, " skittles social marketing plan backfired." tildemark , " skittles social marketing plan backfired." 2009-03-02T07:36:05Z 2009-03-02T07:36:05Z
- tildemark , "i will have to postpone my movable type 4.24 blog upgrade because ill be concentrating more on skittles" tildemark tweeted, "i will have to postpone my movable type 4.24 blog upgrade because ill be concentrating more on skittles" tildemark , "i will have to postpone my movable type 4.24 blog upgrade because ill be concentrating more on skittles" 2009-03-02T07:30:01Z 2009-03-02T07:30:01Z
- tildemark , "i cant stop twitting skittles wahahahaha" tildemark tweeted, "i cant stop twitting skittles wahahahaha" tildemark , "i cant stop twitting skittles wahahahaha" 2009-03-02T07:22:00Z 2009-03-02T07:22:00Z
- tildemark , "on twitscoop skittles font is so big making the others like ants from a 10 storey building" tildemark tweeted, "on twitscoop skittles font is so big making the others like ants from a 10 storey building" tildemark , "on twitscoop skittles font is so big making the others like ants from a 10 storey building" 2009-03-02T07:20:13Z 2009-03-02T07:20:13Z
- tildemark , "@hensel yeah i agree, yet we cant stop spammers from posting to skittles as well." tildemark tweeted, "@hensel yeah i agree, yet we cant stop spammers from posting to skittles as well." tildemark , "@hensel yeah i agree, yet we cant stop spammers from posting to skittles as well." 2009-03-02T07:14:28Z 2009-03-02T07:14:28Z
- tildemark , " hahaha. have you seen it? anything you write with skittles gets posted on their website skittles.com" tildemark tweeted, " hahaha. have you seen it? anything you write with skittles gets posted on their website skittles.com" tildemark , " hahaha. have you seen it? anything you write with skittles gets posted on their website skittles.com" 2009-03-02T07:09:19Z 2009-03-02T07:09:19Z
- tildemark , "will hastags for #skittles work ?" tildemark tweeted, "will hastags for #skittles work ?" tildemark , "will hastags for #skittles work ?" 2009-03-02T07:04:07Z 2009-03-02T07:04:07Z
- tildemark , "we can talk about skittles all day long see http://skittles.com" tildemark tweeted, "we can talk about skittles all day long see http://skittles.com" tildemark , "we can talk about skittles all day long see http://skittles.com" 2009-03-02T06:58:04Z 2009-03-02T06:58:04Z
- tildemark , "@hensel i don't think its awesome and whoever is behind it is a major moron." tildemark tweeted, "@hensel i don't think its awesome and whoever is behind it is a major moron." tildemark , "@hensel i don't think its awesome and whoever is behind it is a major moron." 2009-03-02T06:56:53Z 2009-03-02T06:56:53Z
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