Not Pron: September 2006 Archives

2006 Sep 9

Notpron contains 139 levels: 82 are positive, 45 are negative, and 12 are Greek. Each level may be solved using the clues given either via images or text hints and some times requires you to read the page source code. Level 1 to 82 is free up to negative level 34, beyond that requires a payment. This is the most hardest puzzle i came across. If you have so much free time, then this is for you. Ill try to answer this puzzle in intervals of five, that is if im not busy. And please note that the game password changes, so probably my answers here may not be the ones on the site right now. I would rather recommend that you would solve the puzzle yourself.

SPOILER WARNING! Below are solutions to the actual puzzle.

the puzzle web address is at Not Pr0n, but you will then be redirected to website.

Level 1:
Title bar: Welcome
1. Text on the image says: Enter the door!

Solution: Click on the door

Level 2:
Title bar: something was in his way
1. a hand icon on top left of the image pointing up
2. when you move your mouse over the door knob, a popup window will appear with the message: The door is closed. Trick it or reach LEVEL 3 in a different way! (address?)
1. Try all (except cheating) to get to the next screen, no matter what. It's no point and click thing!


1. Change the number on the url to 3 from 2, making it like this:
2. Press Enter

Level 3:
Title bar: Turn me ON!
1. a message occasionally appear on the image saying: stop being so negative!
1. Try all to get to the next screen, no matter what. It's no point and click thing! Just don't look for cheats!


1. Change the word on the url "false" to "true" making it like this:
2. Press Enter

Level 4:
Title bar: Look in the dark...
1. A messge at the dark side of the table. Its morse code.
2. Login title: LightThisPlace
About all passworded riddles:
- No spaces
- No capital letters
- You don't need to register anywhere- You will find the username and password written somewhere in the riddle in a hidden way (very different in every level)- No guessing! You will know when you have the answer. No need to enter random words that you find somewhere.- A slow internet connection can cause a correct password combination to be refused. When you KNOW that you have the right one and it's not working, try it again until it works.
- don't hesitate to use external programs to solve riddles, some even require it (all you need can be legally downloaded somewhere)
- the only rule is NOT to search for solutions on the web, but google gets you other useful hints if you look for the right things


1. Translate the message using morse code table below:

A .-- B -... C -.-. D -.. E . F ..-. G --. H .... I ..
J .--- K -.- L .-.. M -- N -. O --- P .--. Q --.- R .-.
S ... T - U ..- V ...- W .-- X -..- Y -.-- Z --.. 0 -----
1 .---- 2 ..--- 3 ...-- 4 ....- 5 ..... 6 -.... 7 --... 8 ---.. 9 ----.

Therefore :.
v = ...-
o = ---
d = -..
p = .--.
w = .--
e = .
r = .-.
2. Click on the round image beside the pillow.
3. Use voodoo as the username, power as the password

Level 5:
Title bar: Light your torch...
1. Title of the book on table: BiG BAD VOODOO DADDY
2. Grayed text: eyes like an angel smiles like a devil
3. White text: What is the name of this song again?
4. Login title: live
About all passworded riddles:
- no spaces
- no capital letters
- You will never find a password/username written in an obvious way
- You will mostly get username and password both at the same time.- No guessing! You will know when you have the answer. No need to enter random words that you find somewhere.- A slow internet connection can cause a correct password combination to be refused. When you KNOW that you have the right one and it's not working, try it again until it works.

1. Search Google using the phrase, use exact match: "eyes like an angel smiles like a devil"
2. The phrase is a line on the song by the artist big bad voodoo daddy
3. The title of the song is Simple Songs
4. Use simple as the username and songs as the password

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